Source code for invenio_sipstore.api

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"""API for Invenio-SIPStore."""

import json

from flask import current_app, has_request_context, request
from flask_login import current_user
from invenio_db import db
from werkzeug.utils import import_string

from invenio_sipstore.models import SIP as SIP_
from invenio_sipstore.models import RecordSIP as RecordSIP_
from invenio_sipstore.models import SIPFile, SIPMetadata, SIPMetadataType
from invenio_sipstore.signals import sipstore_created

[docs]class SIP(object): """API for managing SIPs.""" def __init__(self, sip): """Constructor. :param sip: the SIP model associated :type sip: :py:class:`invenio_sipstore.models.SIP` """ self.model = sip @staticmethod def _build_agent_info(): """Build the SIP agent info. This method can be changed in the config to suit your needs, see :py:data:`invenio_sipstore.config.SIPSTORE_AGENT_FACTORY` :returns: Agent information regarding the SIP. :rtype: dict """ agent = dict() if has_request_context() and request.remote_addr: agent['ip_address'] = request.remote_addr if current_user.is_authenticated and agent['email'] = return agent @property def id(self): """Return the ID of the associated model.""" return # read only as it shouldn't change @property def user(self): """Return the user of the associated model.""" return self.model.user # read only as it shouldn't change @property def agent(self): """Return the agent of the associated model.""" return self.model.agent # read only as it shouldn't change @property def archivable(self): """Tell if the SIP should be archived.""" return self.model.archivable # read only as it shouldn't change @property def archived(self): """Tell if the SIP has been archived.""" return self.model.archived @archived.setter def archived(self, is_archived): """Change the archived status of the SIP. :param bool is_archived: True if the SIP has been archived """ self.model.archived = is_archived @property def files(self): """Return the list of files associated with the SIP. :rtype: list(:py:class:`invenio_sipstore.models.SIPFile`) """ return self.model.sip_files @property def metadata(self): """Return the list of metadata associated with the SIP. :rtype: list(:py:class:`invenio_sipstore.models.SIPMetadata`) """ return self.model.sip_metadata
[docs] def attach_file(self, file): """Add a file to the SIP. :param file: the file to attach. It must at least implement a `key` and a valid `file_id`. See :py:class:`invenio_files_rest.models.ObjectVersion`. :returns: the created SIPFile :rtype: :py:class:`invenio_sipstore.models.SIPFile` """ sf = SIPFile(, filepath=file.key, file_id=file.file_id) db.session.add(sf) return sf
[docs] def attach_metadata(self, type, metadata): """Add metadata to the SIP. :param str type: the type of metadata (a valid :py:class:`invenio_sipstore.models.SIPMetadataType` name) :param str metadata: the metadata to attach. :returns: the created SIPMetadata :rtype: :py:class:`invenio_sipstore.models.SIPMetadata` """ mtype = SIPMetadataType.get_from_name(type) sm = SIPMetadata(, type=mtype, content=metadata) db.session.add(sm) return sm
[docs] def create(cls, archivable, files=None, metadata=None, user_id=None, agent=None): """Create a SIP, from the PID and the Record. Apart from the SIP itself, it also creates ``SIPFile`` objects for each of the files in the record, along with ``SIPMetadata`` for the metadata. Those objects are not returned by this function but can be fetched by the corresponding SIP attributes 'files' and 'metadata'. The created model is stored in the attribute 'model'. :param bool archivable: tells if the SIP should be archived or not. Usefull if ``Invenio-Archivematica`` is installed. :param files: The list of files to associate with the SIP. See :py:func:`invenio_sipstore.api.SIP.attach_file` :param dict metadata: A dictionary of metadata. The keys are the type (valid :py:class:`invenio_sipstore.models.SIPMetadataType` name) and the values are the content (string) :param user_id: the ID of the user. If not given, automatically computed :param agent: If not given, automatically computed :returns: API SIP object. :rtype: :py:class:`invenio_sipstore.api.SIP` """ if not user_id: user_id = (None if current_user.is_anonymous else current_user.get_id()) if not agent: agent_factory = import_string( current_app.config['SIPSTORE_AGENT_FACTORY']) agent = agent_factory() files = [] if not files else files metadata = {} if not metadata else metadata with db.session.begin_nested(): sip = cls(SIP_.create(user_id=user_id, agent=agent, archivable=archivable)) for f in files: sip.attach_file(f) for type, content in metadata.items(): sip.attach_metadata(type, content) sipstore_created.send(sip) return sip
[docs] def get_sip(cls, uuid): """Get a SIP API object from the UUID if a model object.""" return cls(SIP_.query.filter_by(id=uuid).one())
[docs]class RecordSIP(object): """API for managing SIPRecords.""" def __init__(self, recordsip, sip): """Constructor. :param recordsip: the RecordSIP model to manage :type recordsip: :py:class:`invenio_sipstore.models.RecordSIP` :param sip: the SIP associated :type sip: :py:class:`invenio_sipstore.api.SIP` """ self.model = recordsip self._sip = sip # we make it unwritable @property def sip(self): """Return the SIP corresponding to this record. :rtype: :py:class:`invenio_sipstore.api.SIP` """ return self._sip @classmethod
[docs] def create(cls, pid, record, archivable, create_sip_files=True, user_id=None, agent=None): """Create a SIP, from the PID and the Record. Apart from the SIP itself, it also creates ``RecordSIP`` for the SIP-PID-Record relationship, as well as ``SIPFile`` objects for each of the files in the record, along with ``SIPMetadata`` for the metadata. Those objects are not returned by this function but can be fetched by the corresponding RecordSIP attributes ``sip``, ``sip.files`` and ``sip.metadata``. :param pid: PID of the published record ('recid'). :type pid: :py:class:`invenio_pidstore.models.PersistentIdentifier` :param record: Record for which the SIP should be created. :type record: :py:class:`invenio_records.api.Record` :param bool archivable: tells if the record should be archived. Usefull when ``Invenio-Archivematica`` is installed. :param bool create_sip_files: If True the SIPFiles will be created. :returns: RecordSIP object. :rtype: :py:class:`invenio_sipstore.api.RecordSIP` """ files = record.files if create_sip_files else None mtype = SIPMetadataType.get_from_schema(record['$schema']) metadata = { json.dumps(record.dumps())} with db.session.begin_nested(): sip = SIP.create(archivable, files=files, metadata=metadata, user_id=user_id, agent=agent) model = RecordSIP_(, db.session.add(model) recsip = cls(model, sip) return recsip